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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Cold Weather = Great time for Baking

We are brave souls, my husband and I. We have just traveled 16 hours in a car with our four rambunctious children. Wisconsin is the destination, and we have arrived! The road trip was quite the experience, as always, and the feel of the ground under our feet when we finally arrived and quickly jumped out of the car, was a great feeling. Then the anticipation of arriving in Wisconsin came to a screatching halt as the first wind blew upon us. Welcome to the frozen tundra, it's 29 degrees here. Ugh! 
But like most situations, we tried to make the best of it. Sure our family is here in Wisconsin, after all, that's the whole point of taking on this road trip. But the cold! The weather here...well let's just say that one can forget what below freezing feels like. :) What does the cold weather remind you of? Do you smell the crisp air and think of Christmas time? Maybe several of you, are like me, and dream of walking into a warm house, with the oven blasting full speed, where the smell of holiday baking floods your senses. Yeah, cheezy, but wonderful. When the cold air of winter comes, start baking! There is no fear to be had, because I'm going to walk through the ease of baking with you in the upcoming months. 
So let's get started, the first step in overcoming the fear of baking...realizing it does not require any super special skills. You have heard this one, "If I can do it, you can too!" Lol. So true. Baking is about following directions. Which is one thing my family never thought I could do. Boy have I showed them! 
At wednesday night church service, we were talking about what makes us do diets. And the answer, well for most of us anyway, is the outcome. We diet and sacrifice so that we can have the outcome of a thinner, or healthier body. So that makes me realize that is why one who is being "sheep-ish" over baking, would want to take on such an endeavor. The outcome! Fresh cookies, delicious and warm, have always made us smile, since we were kids. 
So get ready because we are going to bake. You and me, because it does not require any super special skills, so I know at least I am a good candidate. We'll chat soon~

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