I have so much to write about and tell you. My days of being a stay at home mother of four, army wife of a soon to be deployed husband, business entrepenuer, Bible college student, and so much more fill my days to the fullest. As a result I could have my own TLC show, a very entertaining one at that. However I want my blogs to you to be ones that you can read in one sitting, lol. So bear with me as I try to bring you a whole lot of events in one short post.
I want to talk a bit about the business life. This is something that occupies a whole lot of my time and I haven't touched much on it. Not to mention there are so many people out there who know very little about the business world. In the generation that we are living in life seems to flash in front of you faster than the speed of light, and we live expecting instant gratification. That being said, I had this idea in my head that since I was an excellent baker, that my bakery would launch and explode. Just like that. I would be making a ton of money and most importantly, be doing what I love...getting my sweet indulgences in the hands of people all around the world in hopes that one bite would put a smile on their face. Now if you are not a baker or fancy chef, this may not make sense to you. For me, the best part of baking something super sweet and super indulgent is the look on the face of those who have tried something so gourmet. My business is going very well for the very first month. Kayla's Captivating Confections has sold tens of dozens of cookies so far, and I'm so thankful. But it seems some days not to be growing fast enough. Terrible of me to say, but transparency is a specialty of mine. I'll air my dirty laundry, people can learn and benefit from it.
Turns out, starting a business in this world of tough competition is difficult. Really Really REALLY difficult. (Emphasis on Really.)
I have decided from the get go that I was going to do this business right, and do it legal. After all, how can I expect God to bless something that I am not doing completely legal. So I get this checklist of things to do, naturally before, you start a business. I didn't do those, because in my microwave society I can't fathom waiting. Once the business was launched however, I was trying to play catch-up. (Story of my life.) I don't want to be one of those people who, as the saying goes.."When my ship comes in, I'll be at the airport." I want to be right where I need to be doing right what I need to be doing, at all the right times. Difficult task. Needless to say I am fortunately marking one thing at a time off of this ginormous checklist. IRS tax ID numbers, registering business name, sellers permit, etc. All while trying to maintain and run this bakery.
Watching Buddy on Cake Boss can be discouraging. I do not have some of the advantages that others have had in life. I didn't inherit some great talent, nor did I inherit an already successful business. Turns out being a soldier isn't a very high paying job so, although my husband provides bountifully for our four kids and I, there is not an abundance of extra cash to throw into a new business. Therefore, I do not have the means to put down any money on a loan for a small business.
That being said, I am going to put new meaning to "building from the ground up." Every penny that I earn was earned laborously. With my own two hands, and no hand outs. All the pun intended.
I hope that although I am not one to be envied or modeled after, that I can give you a little bit of the zeal that I have. So many of you are waiting for the next big thing. You are going through the motions of the day to day, day in and day out. I recognize and understand that this is tiring.
However God did not intend for us to live our lives this way. Going through the motions. Rather John 10:10 says that God intends for us to have an abundant life, overflowing to the fullest. Does that statement resemble your life? It didn't mine, I assure you. So I prayed, and prayed some more. And I decided that I was going to take all this gumption and make it go. My mama says that her "get up and go got up and left." Which is hilarious. Because most days I sit down for the first time in 6 or so hours, and feel pooped. I'm sure you do too. But decide what's on your plate that can go, and find time for the things that make you happy. Don't loose the zeal, and if you need just keep checking in with me and I'll be glad to put a fire under your butt. If it's important to you, than it's probably important. Do it! Go! Whatever you desire, run towards it. Don't muddle! You may never get another chance. I love ya and we'll chat soon~
Kayla you are great! I love your enthusiasm and your driven desire! You are a strong woman and I am so proud of you my dear....I do miss you a teeny bit:):) Continue to plow through and know that you can do anything you set your mind too!