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Friday, December 10, 2010

The joys of cake making

I had to use sarcasm right off the bat. Cake making I have found, is quite challenging for my poor simple minded self. The baking of cakes is easy once you've found a good recipe, or cheat and use a box mix, and, once you've learned a few tricks of the trade. Let me share one trick now. The hardest part in making a cake, is getting it to come out of the pan once it's baked. Watch a Paula Deen show, and you'll know what I'm talking about. The glory of having your own cooking show like the Bag Lady, is that she can control alt delete her oopes out, and we however, cannot. So here's something I've found works wonders.
When greasing a pan of any kind used for baking, try putting your hand inside of a plastic sandwich bag. Then dip that bag in a butter container, and use your hand, covered with the bag, to grease ( I initially typed lube, lol) your pan. Sprays such as Pam, and the ones with flour can alter the taste of your baked goods. No matter what they advertise, that's the way the cookie crumbles. Not to mention by the time you've sprayed enough out of the can to actually keep your desserts from sticking, you've fume-agated yourself. So, try this tip, and let me know what you think.
Now decorating the dang cakes, is where the challenge lies. My biggest fear in the kitchen today was that my seven year old would make a better looking fondant rose than I would. Terrible for me to wish he fails so that I can succeed. Especially since I do this baking thing for a living. Lol. But, we did it. Yesterday I made a marshmallow fondant, and after letting it sit in the fridge overnight to finish forming, my son and I made roses out of it. How did I learn such mad skills you ask? Why YouTube of coarse. :) It was really rather easy, it's just the patience it requires to be so intricate, ugh! So there you have it. Done. We rock, and in my head, I want to bust out my "cant' touch this" victory dance. Oh, did I mention that I put those roses on top of a double stacked better than sex cake? For those of you who think I'm kidding, this is a real cake, and it's the best you've ever had....of cake that is. Chocolate Fudge cake seeping with caramel and sweetened condensed milk, topped with whipped cream and chopped heath bar. Oh yeah baby, come on over. Desserts on me. We'll chat soon~


  1. Okay so I want this recipie....puuhleese!!!! I can't come over, too far away! Anyways, did you make your own fondent?(SP) How do you do that, well I am curious, heading to youtube to check it out:)

  2. Jill, here's what ya do. Take two box mixes of chocolate fudge cake and bake them as directed. Just like when you are making any layered cake you trim the tops of the cake once baked to be flat. Then poke holes in your warm cake and pour half of a can of sweetened condensed milk on top of cake, then add a thin layer (like dirty icing) of whipped cream. Top it with your second cake. Then do the same. Be generous with the whipped cream for the top of the cake, and be sure to frost the sides as well. Sprinkle with chopped heath bars, and you're set.
    I did make my own marshmallow fondant. I package of mini marshmallow melted for one minute in microwave. Add 4 tablespoons of water and 1 tsp of vanilla and stir till smooth. Butter your hands..literally with a stick of butter, and knead the fondant till smooth. Wrap in plastic and put in fridge overnight. The next day pull it out, knead it, and start making roses or any type of design. This cake is to die for. Good luck!
