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Friday, December 17, 2010

I've picked my poison

It's funny, I can recall saying to myself "I'll never turn out like my mother." Not that my mother isn't wonderful, she has a lot of attributes that I could certainly stand to have inherited. It's just that the rebellious side of me comes out once in a blue moon, and in such a time I've decided that I did not want to be like those before me, but rather my own, individual self. Well, needless to say, I've accomplished that mission already. :o However my mom does say, "She's picked her poison." It is a phrase, for those of you who don't speak Yankee like family and I, to imply that we have made our decisions, and now have the consequences whether good or this tense tho, the "poison" does indicate bad.
So I've made a decision to continue to be the Yes Man, for some reason, (I know we discussed that I would no longer do that) but now I'm facing the poison that I picked. Today my husband started clearing post. Which means he's signing out of all the place on this base and getting ready to leave. (No, I don't get to go with him.) Then, I came to the realization that I am a terrible procrastinator. I had an 11 page paper due on  a book I hadn't even read yet, a persuasive speech, and informative speech, and two exams due by midnight tonight. On top of that, oh yes it gets better, I hadn't started on the Iron Man birthday cake that I promised one special five year old boy for his birthday tomorrow, and I hadn't baked any cookies for the cookie exchange party that starts in two hours. 
Now with all this procrastination evidence that I have given you one may think that I have just sat on my butt twiddling my thumbs for the past week. However, that is not the case. My online bakery skyrocketed this week and I spent the last two days filling orders to equal 24 dozen cookies. Yeah, we rock this industry. :p 
Now that I've cleared the air, whew....I feel much better, I can move on to say...don't procrastinate. Ah, just kidding. I think for the most part we all have this inward sense to push the envelope a little. Unfortunately, if you walk a day in my shoes, it doesn't turn out for the better, and I can't seem to figure out why. Like yesterday....I thought that I was ahead of the game and made up um-teen batters of cookies so that all I had to do yesterday was bake up the 24 dozen cookies. Yeah, that's all. Lol. Not an issue, I promise my customers cookies that are baked fresh to their order. So the only dillema for the confectionary artist who thought she was ahead of the game......I didn't have any power. Like no electricity. Like no kitchen aid mixer, no oven, no lights, not even heat for that matter. Oh I so need my own TLC show. 
No life lessons here folks. I've just come to realize that no matter how much I prepare, I can still be caught with my pants down. (Metaphorically speaking). We'll chat soon~

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