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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Yes, I burned the hamburger

One would think with my mad skills that I have in the kitchen that silly little things such as cooking hamburger, wouldn't be a problem. However, turns out I can't cook. In fact, I have a sign above my stove that says "I kiss better than I cook." My lovely family is very supportive, when they see my sign, they say "Oh Kayla you cook great food, you should take that sign down." Never! I know better than to believe those lies..:) After all, I do eat the food that I cook as well, and so my taste buds are familiar with my cooking "surprises". It seems that cooking with me just reinforces my theory that I have of myself in life...(ok I'll share it with you, but don't you dare laugh) "I am good at everything and great at nothing."
There, I said it. Now everyone on the world wide web knows. :p It's almost become a motto.
Turns out when you float from one thing to another in life, you don't get the chance, or take the chance rather, to become more than good at become great at something. So I can sing, draw somewhat, crochet blankets but certainly nothing more skillful like hats, and yes, cook. In fact just as I was writing the first part of this blog, I let the hamburger helper (that already has the burnt hamburger in it) boil too long on the stove, so now it's stuck to the bottom of the pan. Don't you just envy my family right now? They get to eat a yummy, and well cooked, super. This is really too funny, and I had to share with you.
Now I might have mastered this baking thing, turns out business is good. People really say things like "I have never a better peanut butter cookie." Yeah we might be onto something...  See for yourself at
Take the time to invest in the skills that God has given you so that you can be more than just good at something. Be great at something, and become something great. You have it in you! This much I know for certain. Most importantly, I am learning as I am becoming great at things (it's a slow process for me) to enjoy the ride. I told my husband when we were discussing launching this online bakery, that I wasn't going to give up on this dream, I was going to make it work and it will be great, I just needed him to come along for the ride. We'll chat soon~

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